Senior Accountant, Founder of Books To Taxes
I started my career way back in 1988 assisting the CFO of a large national insurance company producing monthly management accounts to then work across many industries offering tax and bookkeeping services. As a Senior Accountant, I provide technical support to our team to make sure they provide you with the very best in tax and bookkeeping standards. I love to help business owners achieve their dreams of running successful enterprises so that they can live the lifestyle they wish for. I believe that record keeping for whatever reason, business management or tax compliance is EASY. I can show you how to save time, money and most of all, rest easy knowing that everything is taken care of in the best way how.
Ho iniziato la mia carriera nel lontano 1988 assistendo il CFO di una grande compagnia di assicurazioni nazionale che produce conti di gestione mensili per poi lavorare in molti settori che offrono servizi fiscali e contabili. In qualità di contabile praticante, fornisco supporto tecnico al nostro team per assicurarmi che fornisca i migliori standard di contabilità fiscale. Amo aiutare gli imprenditori a realizzare i loro sogni di gestire imprese di successo in modo che possano vivere lo stile di vita che desiderano. Credo che la tenuta dei registri per qualsiasi motivo, gestione aziendale o conformità fiscale sia FACILE. Posso mostrarvi come risparmiare tempo, denaro e soprattutto stare tranquilli sapendo che tutto è curato nel migliore dei modi.

Tax Accountant, Director
I am a qualified CPA with approximately five years of experience & specialised in SMEs. I really enjoy working with clients to make them feel at ease, assured and well looked after. Right from the beginning of establishing new business structures and processes, to completing end of financial year statements & tax returns.
Books to Taxes provides me a wonderful work/study balance. I have been supported to develop my professional skills further and utilise them to help my clients improve their circumstances. With non-stop learning & training, I am confident to screen and share the most relevant tax news to different types of clients on an ongoing basis, and provide them sound advice for careful planning to fulfil their short-term and long-term goals.
Charlotte,毕业于昆士兰科技大学会计专业,于2015年加入Books to Taxes 开始职业会计工作,并于同年加入澳洲会计师协会。5年间为各种中小型企业主处理各种会计业务,包括辅助成立新公司,处理各种税务问题,年终结算,以及报税。
Bachelor of Biological Engineering
Master of Science (Food Studies)
Master of Business Administration (Professional Accounting)

PO Box 176, Heidelberg, VIC 3084
PO Box, 689 Potts Point, NSW 1335
PO Box 58, Hobart, TAS 7001
1300 288 541
Level 23, Collins Square Tower 5, 727 Collins Street
Melbourne, VIC, 3008
1300 288 541